This is the quotations page


"Now some of you may encounter the devil's bargain if you get that far. Any old soul is worth saving at least to a priest, but not every soul is worth buying. So you can take the offer as a compliment."

William S. Burroughs
added on 2010-11-19, 12:08:48


“The greatest mystery is not that we have been flung at random between the profusion of matter and of the stars, but that within this prison we can draw from ourselves images powerful enough to deny our nothingness”

Andre Malraux
added on 2009-08-12, 10:41:16

“The total sacrifice to a cause beyond his comprehension restored a richness to man”

Andre Malraux
added on 2009-08-12, 10:42:21

"Then I despair... I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it always."

Andre Malraux
added on 2009-08-12, 10:55:46

Better to reign in Hell that serve in Heaven.

John Milton - Paradise Lost
added on 2009-02-12, 22:28:50

Which way I fly is Hell, myself am Hell.

John Milton - Paradise Lost
added on 2009-02-12, 23:12:20

One can find a paradise within thee, happier farr.

John Milton
added on 2009-02-12, 23:13:33

I am every dead thing, re-begot of absence, darkness, death...

John Donne
added on 2009-02-12, 23:14:09

The human being is a most curious creature. He thinks he has got one soul, and he has got dozens.

D. H. Lawrence
added on 2009-02-12, 23:15:10

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a normal human being?

Oscar Wilde
added on 2009-02-12, 23:16:26

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.

added on 2009-02-12, 23:17:19

Defectul tuturor oamenilor este ca steapta sa traiasca, deoarece n-au curajul fiecarei clipe...Toti invatam sa traim dupa ce nu mai avem nimic de asteptat, iar cind traim nu putem invata nimic, fiindca nu traim in prezentul concret si viu, ci intr-un viitor fad si indepartat

Emil Cioran
added on 2009-02-12, 23:19:51

Prin orice pot cadea in lumea asta, numai printr-o mare iubire nu. Iar atunci cind iubirii tale i s-ar raspunde cu dispret sau cu indiferenta, cind toti oamenii te-ar abandona si cind singuratatea ta ar fi suprema parasire, toate razele iubirii tale ce n-au putut patrunde in altii ca sa-i lumineze sau ca sa le faca intunericul mai misterios se vor rasfringe si se vor reintoarce in tine, pentru ca in clipa ultimei parasiri stralucirile lor sa te faca numai lumina si vapaile lor numai caldura. Si atunci intunericul nu va mai fi o atractie irezistibila si nu te vei mai ameti la viziunea prapastiilor si adincimilor. Dar ca sa ajungi la accesul luminii totale, la extazul absolutei splendori, pe culmile si limitele beatitudinii, dematerializat de raze si purificat de seninatati, trebuie sa fi scapat definitiv de dialectica luminii si a intunericului, sa fi ajuns la autonomia absoluta a intiiului termen. Dar cine poate avea o iubire atit de mare?

Emil Cioran
added on 2009-02-12, 23:25:26

Eu stiu acum bine ce este o grota. E o inchisoare fara ziduri, unde nu e nevoie de gardieni, nu e nevoie de sirma ghimpata. Tacerea s-a dovedit un gardian mult mai constiincios. Ea nu poate fi nici corupta, nici escaladata. Ea nu doarme si nu poate fi taiata cu clestele. Si cine vede tacerea? Cel izolat intr-o grota va muri, nevazut de nimeni.

O. Paler - Viata pe un peron
added on 2009-02-12, 23:28:11

Numai la batrinete afli ca o mare iubire e mai aproape de suferinta decit de fericire.

O Paler - Apararea lui Galilei
added on 2009-02-12, 23:28:49

A man's past is not simply a dead is a still quivering part of himself, bringing shudders and bitter flavours and the tinglings of a merited shame.

George Elliot
added on 2009-02-12, 23:30:28

Two souls, alas, are housed within my breast!

added on 2009-02-12, 23:30:52

I smell blood and an era of prominent madmen.

W. H. Auden
added on 2009-02-12, 23:31:26

...The visible world seems formed in love, the invisible spheres seem formed in fright.

H. Melville
added on 2009-02-12, 23:32:09

I am responsible for everything...except my very own responsibility.

added on 2009-02-12, 23:32:41

Only in books has mankind known perfect truth, love and beauty.

G. B. Shaw
added on 2009-02-12, 23:33:37

Ce glorios este - si totodata ce dureros - sa fii o exceptie!

Alfred de Musset
added on 2009-02-12, 23:34:20

Dragostea seamana atit de bine cu lipsa ei incit uneori se confunda.

O. Paler - Rugati-va sa nu va creasca aripi
added on 2009-02-12, 23:35:10

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy.

Albert Camus
added on 2008-11-16, 15:38:16

Straturi peste straturi de masti, sub care nu ramane pana la urma decat craniul dezgolit si fara viata

added on 2008-11-14, 21:28:55

Tandari de suflet, amintiri sfarimate, identitati lepadate, limbi materne amputate, intimitati violate, glume intraductibile, viitoruri ucise, iubiri pierdute, intelesul uitat al unor cuvinte rasunatoare si cavernoase cum ar fi tara, apartenenta, acasa.

added on 2008-11-14, 21:30:41

Iubirea între doi oameni este întâlnirea între doua singurătăţi care se ocrotesc şi îţi ţin companie.

Rainer Maria Rilke
added on 2007-12-28, 20:44:33

"My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am."

Toby Eileen Green
added on 2007-10-31, 00:07:51

You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, single power, a single salvation... and that is called loving. Well, then, love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is your aversion that hurts, nothing else

Hermann Hesse
added on 2007-10-28, 14:39:24

What I always hated and detested and cursed above all things was this contentment, this healthiness and comfort, this carefully preserved optimism of the middle classes, this fat and prosperous brood of mediocrity.

Hermann Hesse, "Lupul de stepă"
added on 2007-10-28, 14:40:46

Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the angels. Things are clearly more complicated.

Milan Kundera
added on 2007-10-28, 14:41:14

In each individual the spirit is made flesh, in each one the whole of creation suffers, in each one a Savior is crucified.

Hermann Hesse
added on 2007-10-28, 14:43:58

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.

Milan Kundera
added on 2007-10-28, 14:51:26

Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them.

Milan Kundera
added on 2007-10-28, 14:52:34

When someone is seeking ... it happens quite easily that he only sees the thing that he is seeking; that he is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything ... because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal.

Hermann Hesse, "Siddhartha"
added on 2007-10-28, 15:00:12

nu inceta niciodata sa zimbesti, nici chiar atunci cind esti trist, pentru ca nu se stie cine se poate indragosti de zimbetul tau

added on 2007-10-05, 22:42:20

Impostura: ceilalti lupi m-ar sfisia daca ar sti ca urletul meu e in realitate un plins...

added on 2007-08-16, 01:24:06

Ma retrag in mine insumi si gasesc o lume, mai mult ca o presimtire si o dorinta obscura decit ca o revelatie si o forta vie. Si atunci, toate gindurile mele se invalmasesc si surid visator mai departe..

added on 2007-08-16, 01:26:52

Visez citeodata la o dragoste indepartata si vaporoasa ca shizofrenia unui parfum...

added on 2007-08-16, 01:27:47

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

William Shakespeare -- MacBeth
added on 2007-08-15, 23:53:45